Recent observations support the fact that there has been a decline in the Power and effectiveness of the union, which is relevant to both the public and private sectors. However, still we can’t deny that some of the unions remain active in numerous industries and carry on the struggle for workers’ rights. But it’s not as effective as it used to be in1980’s and 90’s.

Some management’s stringent action and discouraging strategies for union formation, the absorption of technology, the diversion of contractual employment, suspension of on roll hiring and job dread are all contributing factors to the ineffectiveness of unions.

Of course, politicization of unions and interunion rivalries have eroded worker trust and hindered collective bargaining power.

The decline trend of labor union power in India implicated a complex challenge. The Labor Union needs to explore resurgence avenues, Strategies for Revitalization and Adaptation in a Shifting Socio & Economic Environment.

Experts in this platform can add their views and comments about labor unions effectiveness and the changes required in the philosophy of traditional labor union.

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